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Our nonprofit organization's mission is to reach beyond the state of homelessness and help our participants rebuild their lives.  With the influence of our highly qualified and well-trained staff, we look to instill a sense of responsibility and accountability, provide/add values and skills, promote higher education/trades, and entrepreneurship, so that each of our participants will become independent individuals who will never have to revisit homelessness again.  In addition, psychological, physical, and recovery restoration programs are provided to help remove the barriers that would limit and/or prevent successful transition to independent living. Our conviction and commitment to their success defines us.



At 2 Lives in One Lifetime, we look to a future where homelessness is on the brink of extinction with the successful culmination of our participants achieving self-sufficiency.  We look to provide an equal opportunity to those afflicted by disadvantages in life through a structured environment comprised of independent care programs, harm reduction, mental and physical health therapies, community events, jobs, education, and legal assistance, it is our intent to improve the overall quality of our participants’ lives.  Our primary purpose is to elevate our participants to independence.



Drastic reduction to the influx of homeless population at the targetable sources: disadvantaged transitional age youth, mental health, jails/institutions.  Increase in permanent residency through residential program housing to permanent housing with a complete lifestyle reform through personal rehabilitation.  Drastic reduction in rampant addiction, criminal persecution, and inhabitable living measures throughout Los Angeles County. As a result, there will be an increase in Local, State, and Federal tax revenue, local and state economical stimuli, increase in educational and job placements, and residential impact.

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